To understand the basis of Graphology, we should know about human brain which has centers connected to our feelings and fingers. For example, ‘amygdala’ which is located in temporal lobe of brain, controls social and sexual behavior and other emotions.
The ‘basal ganglia’ within the cerebellum coordinates the movements of the finger tips. So, the brain responds to the feelings like anxiety or happiness which in turn affects the movements of fingers and hence our handwriting reflects our feelings. Hence the handwriting of a person who is under heavy stress will be different from the handwriting of a peaceful person. Similarly, the handwriting of healthy person will vary from the handwriting of a person who is suffering from ill health.
The three zones
Any handwriting can be divided into 3 zones called upper, middle and lower zones as shown in [Fig 1].
The upper zone is called ‘intellectual zone’ which represents the intelligence, spiritualism and imagination of the person. So, more letters thrusting into upper zone represents an intellectual who uses his mind more [Fig 2 (a)]. The middle zone is called ‘social zone’ which represents the self-confidence of the person and his social relations. When there are more letters in middle zone we have a person for whom social relations are important. He is action oriented and does not waste his time in thinking [Fig 2 (b)]. The lower zone is called ‘baser zone’ and represents the material wants and sexual desires of the person. Letters dropping more into this zone represent a person who craves for satisfying material desires. Letters with sharp bottoms in this zone indicate criminal tendencies [Fig 2 (c)].
The Slant
We can divide the slant of writing into 5 categories. If the letters are perfectly vertical, they represent a person who lives in the present. This person is disciplined with good judgment. We find judges, business and political people in this type [Fig 3 (a)]. If the letters are slightly slanting towards right, we have a person who lives for future. He is quick to take decisions and implementing them practically. Top level executives and administrators will come into this category [Fig 3 (b)]. If the letters are extremely slanting towards right, the person jumps into action without adequate thinking. Hence, their actions will be often erroneous [Fig 3 (c)]. If the slant is slightly towards left, it represents a person who is highly imaginative and an introvert. His advice will be very useful to others. Political advisors, artists and cine people will come into this category [Fig 3 (d)]. If there is extreme slant towards left, then we have a person who lives in the past. He is a day-dreamer and can not carry any task practically. He tries to avoid the society and keeps himself alone [Fig 3 (e)].
When words are set too far apart from each other, it represents loneliness and unwillingness to interact with others [Fig 4 (a)]. When words are too close to each other, the person cannot keep distance from others. He does not care for privacy and always close to someone. This also represents insecurity and low confidence [Fig 4 (b)].
Writers who leave a wide space between each line are endowed with good analytical thinking and management ability. Teachers and executives hand writing will reveal this [Fig 4 (c)]. Writers who do not leave enough space between lines cannot take proper decisions because they could not survey the facts. They are weak-willed [Fig 4 (d)].
Direction of Lines
Lines which ascend or go up express a strong wish and optimism to improve life [Fig 5 (a)]. Lines which descend or go down towards the end represent pessimism, sadness and lack of courage [Fig 5 (b)]. A wavy line which rises and comes down represents a person whose thoughts fluctuate, hence he is not dependable [Fig 5 (c)].
Connective Forms
Connective forms represent the way letters in a word are connected. There are 4 connective forms: Garland, Arcade, Angular and Thread.
Garland connectivity represents smooth curve at base line. These people are ready to mix with others and are easy going [Fig 6 (a)].
Arcade type represents rounded top like an umbrella. It is a sign of keeping aloof from others. He is secretive, reserved and proud. Sometimes it represents an artist also [Fig 6 (b)].
The Angular connectivity is identified by sharp angles at the top and base. This person is stubborn and drags others towards his goals. He is tense and sometimes violent [Fig 6 (c)].
If the Angular type is combined with leftward slant of writing, it is a sign of antisocial tendencies. The Thread connectivity occurs when the letters appear like interlaced threads. This form indicates a person who is impatient, hesitant and insecure and who makes hasty judgments [Fig 6 (d)].
Letter Size
A person who uses large letters craves for distinction from others. He thinks that others should consider him as eminent [Fig 7 (a)]. On the other hand, a person who uses small letters never bothers about others. He is an intelligent person with good concentration [Fig 7 (b)]. Round letters are indicative of a soft and friendly person who does not encourage quarrels [Fig 7 (c)]. Narrow letters represent narrow mindedness of the person. He is calculative and miserly [Fig 7 (d)].
A wide left margin represents self respect and sensitiveness of the person. A wide right margin represents that the person wants to remain aloof and guards his privacy. If a person leaves wide margins both at left and right sides of the writing, he is avoiding the world because it fails to meet his expectations. On the other hand if a person is not leaving any margins then he is unconcerned about his fellow men.
Heavy pressure in handwriting represents strong will, strong body, love of eating and strong sexual drive [Fig 8 (a)]. Light pressure represents that the person is weak, timid and has less sexual desire [Fig 8 (b)].
Hello Elitist,
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Thanks For Sharing.
I do agree with you. To understand the basis of Graphology, we should know about human brain which has centers connected to our feelings and fingers. Thanks!
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